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Specialized online training courses

Find online training courses and capacity building programs in different technical areas.

Real-time and self-paced programs

Learn anytime, anywhere, at your own pace with synchronous (live) and self-paced courses.
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Designed for Correctional staff

Aimed at prison governors, senior/frontline officers, probation staff, trainers and heads of security.

Developed by Corrections experts

With 20 years of experience, we have already trained +1800 prison professionals globally.
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Featured Masterclass

Master skills and concepts that will make a difference in your professional life
professor Ioan Durnescu

Duration: 6 e-Learning modules with live online sessions

Language: English

Certificate of participation

Popular online courses

Some of our most in-demand online courses in the Corrections Learning Academy include complete programmes and short modules


Radicalization prevention in prison: Certification for technical staff

read more about the online training course "Radicalisation prevention in prison"


Critical Incidents Readiness Assessment

Radicalization prevention in prison

Certification programme for frontline staff

The essentials of prison health

Prison health is public health

read more about the course "essentials of prison health"

Dynamic Security & Prison Intelligence

Model procedures for prison staff

Staff health and wellbeing in prisons

Health promotion programmes for prison staff

Free e-Learning courses

Make sure you meet the pre-requisites and take the free-access courses available on our online campus

Implementing the European Arrest Warrant (EAW)

Focusing on the main aspects of the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) as the cornerstone instrument in EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters

European Parliament

Check out the pre-requisites

Pre-trial detention, its alternatives and the ESO

Ensuring the improvement of practitioners’ understanding and suitable application of the alternatives to pre-trial detention and the European Supervision Order (ESO)

European Parliament

Check out the pre-requisites

Introduction to mental health in prison

Raising awareness on inmates’ mental health in prison

Mental health awareness

No pre-requisites required

Introduction to radicalization prevention in prison

Understanding the background of radicalization in prisons

No pre-requisites required

Areas of expertise

Learn from specialized courses and get permanent access to course materials in the Corrections Learning Academy

Industry-recognized course certificates

Graded by experts and certified instructors, not machines
professional certificate - R2PRIS course

How it works

Expand your knowledge with the Corrections Learning Academy and get certified in four easy steps

Course catalogue

Step 1: Take a look at the catalogue and choose all the online courses of your interest.
See courses

Payment simplified

Step 2: Add the selected item(s) to your cart and purchase them with our simplified payment method.

Course enrollment

Step 3: Whenever you want, follow the exclusive training programme included in your purchase.


Step 4: Finally, complete all the course modules to get your certificate and share it with your network.

Professional development at a global scale


Countries Reached







Afghanistan, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mali, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America.

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The Corrections Learning Academy is powered by IPS

Advisory services, knowledge sharing and networking for the advancement of the Criminal Justice sector

The Corrections Learning Academy is brought to you by IPS_Innovative Prison Systems: a boutique research and consulting firm specialized in criminal justice and correctional services, creating reliable research and consulting partnerships worldwide.
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CORRECTIONS direct is a global business directory and networking hub developed by IPS_Innovative Prison Systems. Bringing together professionals, business partners, suppliers and researchers in the correctional sector from around the world.
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JUSTICE TRENDS is a premium printed and online magazine that features exclusive content on pressing criminal justice topics globally, curated by the editorial team at IPS_Innovative Prison Systems.
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