Mental health, ageing and palliative care in prison (Group and Tutored)

USA $346.05 Tax not included. Applicable VAT rates will be calculated during checkout.

Mental healthcare, suicide prevention, geriatrics, wellbeing, and palliative care in prison.

Estimated duration: 5h per week, for 6 weeks.

This course requires a pre-registration.
It refers to the management of expert tutoring and group activities.


This is a comprehensive training course and program that is divided into three key areas of learning: mental healthcare and suicide prevention, geriatrics, and palliative care in prison. This course meets the current and future needs of prison staff in the area of mental health, ageing and palliative care for prisoners.

Who should attend?
• Individuals and/or organizations that are responsible for prisoners
• Professionals from entities linked with/or collaborating in initiatives that promote the health of prisoners and/or prison staff

Training modality
• Blended learning: e-Learning, self-study and live online sessions with a trainer

• A minimum of 10 participants is required to start this course
We will make sure the groups are formed accordingly once the 10 enrolled trainees are reached

• Certificate of completion

Total: 31h50
• e-Learning: 16h
• Self-study: 3h30
• Live online sessions with a trainer: 12h (approximately 2 hours, after each module)

Course brochure

View and download the course brochure 



Who you’ll learn from

Ângela Fernandes
Consultant & Senior Researcher @IPS
Ângela Fernandes is a psychotherapist and a forensic expert. She holds a master’s degree in Psychology and a PhD in Applied Psychology from the University of Minho, Portugal. Ângela is a Consultant and Senior Researcher at IPS Innovative Prison Systems and collaborates in Rehabilitation and Reintegration projects.

Vítor Costa
Researcher @UBI
Vítor Costa holds a PhD in Psychology and is a professor at the University of Beira Interior and researcher at the BSAFE Law Enforcement, Justice and Public Safety Lab. Vítor is one of the authors of the RRAP Radicalisation Risk Assessment in Prisons toolset.


The content of this course has been developed and piloted in Belgium, Portugal, Norway, Romania and The Netherlands, under the  MenACE project, co-funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS + programme – KA2 – Strategic partnerships for adult education. The course content is free to access (except any modules with access restricted due to certification requirements). The price associated with this course refers to expert tutoring and learning management system fees.